Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuscan Dairy Milk review


         The audience of a typical Amazon review is more likely than not other people interested or contemplating whether of not to buy the product. In general, I have found customer reviews to include the writer's opinions on the product and its effectiveness as well as possible flaws in the product. In most cases, reviews have been useful in helping me decide whether I should buy a product or not as other users usually give honest feedback about the product. However, the review I have chosen seems to be more more satirical in nature and is targeted to an audience that is more comedic and sees the humor in buying milk online. In a technical sense the review does fulfill my definition of  a customer review. By describing its use "pouring it over dry cereal" and then describing the user's reaction"A-W-E-S-O-M-E", it does offer insight to the benefits of this product. However, since it is satirical and most of the other reviews are sarcastic its not the most honest customer review and the use of sarcasm in other reviews of similar style is used to target other readers that simply want to make fun of the fact that milk is being sold online.  

1 comment:

  1. Solid analysis of a typical Amazon product review (both the audience and genre elements), which sets you up well to analyze the review you chose. Good job in analyzing the purpose of satire (which you have identified as the genre of your review), which is to "make fun" of the product.

    Grade: Check
